Chisholm Lumber is dedicated to sustainable forestry. All of our logs come from managed, sustainably harvested forests where we have been harvesting and buying logs in Ontario for over 150 years.
Our Sawmill Division- Chisholm’s Roslin Ltd. is a member of both the Bancroft Minden & Mazinaw Lanark SFL’s (Sustainable Forest Licences) and subsequently has numerous Crown timber allocations – this is where the vast majority of our logs derive. All SFL properties in Ontario are certified by FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) - an international third party certification system that ensures forest resources are managed in a sustainable, ecological, and socially responsible manner. FSC is the only forest certification system in North America endorsed by the World Wildlife Fund, Green Peace and the Sierra Club of Canada.
Further to our SFL’s – Chisholm Lumber has access to logs from our privately owned timber properties throughout eastern Ontario. We ensure our quality lumber comes from forests that have been sustainably harvested. Chisholm's has been a long-term supporter of good forestry practices. Since the early 1990's, all Chisholm Lumber properties have been enrolled in a Forest Management Program. In addition, all of our woodlots are part of the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program.
Lastly, we have access to logs on the open market. Because of our clear commitment to purchasing wood from well-managed woodlots, we have forged partnerships with forestry consultants and other primary forest users to help provide a source of well-managed controlled forest logs.
As a primary user of wood, Chisholm Lumber has recognized the importance of being good forest stewards. To help private woodlot owners, Chisholm's offers a comprehensive Forest Management Service. We provide provincially certified tree markers, forest management prescriptions written by members of the Professional Foresters Association, markets for all forest products and forest operations supervision. Most importantly, we provide peace of mind for landowners who know that the job will be done right. We also work with area loggers by providing forest management services to help them do a better job in the forest.
At Chisholm Lumber, we've been producing quality lumber Since 1857. Today, we're growing trees for the next 150 years. Our mandate is to produce the best lumber we can, from a sustainable supply of good quality saw-logs. By doing the right thing today, we're growing forests for tomorrow.
Forest Inventories
Wood Lot Appraisals
Certified Tree Marking
Forest Management Prescriptions
Supervision of Forest Operations
Sustainable Forestry in Canada
Less than 0.5% of Canada’s forests are harvested annually. Nearly triple this amount is lost to fire, wind, and insects / disease.
Canada’s forest land is actually growing, not shrinking – at a net increase of 4% over each 5 year period.
Less than 0.02% of Canada’s forests are deforested each year. Deforestation only occurs when forests are permanently removed so the land can be used for something else. Harvesting, forest fires and insect infestations do not constitute deforestation, since the affected areas will naturally grow back.
Close to 90% of Ontario forests are publicly owned and known as Crown lands. 44% of these Crown lands are managed forests. Forest management activities on Crown land are required by law to be managed sustainably and successfully regenerated.
Private forests make up about 9% of Ontario’s forested lands. They contribute to Ontario’s timber harvest and provide other products such as maple syrup. Private Landowners who are actively managing their woodlots are eligible for the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program, which like Crown land, demands the same high standards and is required by law to be managed sustainably.