Note: Our Lots are not sold or priced Individually. They must accompany a custom house built by us.
7 Estate Lots Available. Beautifully Treed. Private, Country Properties. Steps away from Vanderwater Park Conservation Area. On the corner of Vanderwater Road and Sherry Road. Thomasburg, ON.
1580 Shannon Road, Tyendinaga, ON - 36 Acres of Private Land. Beautiful river flowing through the property. Not for Sale - currently under severance process
1370 Slab Road, Center Hastings, ON - 2.5 Acres of Private land. Beautifully Treed. South side of Slab Rd. Drilled Well: 7 gpm
1371 Slab Road, Center Hastings, ON - SOLD
1373 Slab Road, Center Hastings, ON - SOLD
2542 Blessington Rd, Tyendinaga, ON. - SOLD
2544 Blessington Rd, Tyendinaga, ON. - SOLD
907 Scuttlehole Road, Tyendinaga, ON - 72 Acres. Beautiful Lot with over 2500' of Moira River Water Frontage. Two Small Islands Included. 396' of Road Frontage off Scuttlehole.
1696 Vanderwater Road (East End), Thomasburg, ON - 3 Acres of Beautifully Treed, Private Land at the very end (east) of Vanderwater Rd. Drilled Well: 5 gpm
Rimington Road, Madoc, ON - 139 Acres of Private Land. Beautifully Treed. Off Hwy 62 just north of Madoc.
47 Rapids Road, Thomasburg, ON 2.8 Acres - SOLD
45 Rapids Road, Thomasburg, ON 2.5 Acres - SOLD
100 Moneymore Road, Roslin, ON West Lot - 2.3 Acres - SOLD
108 Moneymore Road, Roslin, ON East Lot - 2.3 Acres - SOLD
89 Gentlebreeze Drive, Plainfield, ON 1.42 Acres - SOLD
94 Boundary Road, Center Hastings, ON 37 Acres - SOLD
Old Flinton Road, Flinton, ON 1.4 Acres - DONATED to 'Habitat For Humanity'
Please inquire about our other acreage available for possible builds.
Do you have a building lot available for sale? Please contact us with details as we're always looking to add to our available building lot base.